Tuesday, March 16, 2010

busy bee

So hector is home, for good! Nora is kinda sicks :( I think it is just a cold with a sore throat. but that sore throat makes her not want to eat, so then being hungry make her not want to sleep, so it the sore throat causes large problems. oh well. 30 min after giving her infant tylenol her throat feels better and she can at least eat a bottle. so I just took a break from my blog and went to put nora down for a nap. ends up.. she doesn't like to be swaddled anymore!! I put her down swaddled and she cried and didn't want to go to sleep, so after about 3 min of that (normally she goes to sleep about 15 seconds after me putting her down) i just un-swaddled her and she went right to sleep!! soo great!! Anyway, I have been getting ready for Jillian's shower that will take place at my house in the 28th! That's 12 days!! and a lot of those days are already taken up by other showers and husband stuff. today is lunch with mallie, thursday is post-op appointment, then after that I am either driving or flying up to north carolina for a birthday party on saturday. then flying or driving back saturday afternoon. Painting my powder room sunday morning, then baby shower sunday afternoon. wow that's a pretty packed schedule. but then I have the rest of the week to do things for the shower. no sweat, nothing a perfect housewife can't handle. (I like to think of myself as the perfect housewife, even if it's not true I like to pay myself a little complement every once in a while lol) Well I'll write soon, maybe!

sick :(

This is nora at one of Jillian's many baby showers!

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