Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dear Nora,

Your 4 months old! It seems like only a couple of days ago I was waking up and getting ready to head off to the hospital. The anticipation of being able to hold you in my arms rather than in my belly was overwhelming. You just seemed so comfortable in there, but the time had come. You are just as comfortable out here in the world as you were in my belly. I can tell by the way you smile when I talk to you, and how you light up when a doggie comes around. Your smile is so big and adorable it puts everyone around you in a good mood, even though all you have is a mouth full of gums! Your grin has turned into a slight giggle, and sometimes even a little yelp (a happy one) when I hold you above my head! Even though you like that so much I can't do it all the time due to the fact that you threw up in my mouth!!! You have grown so much since the last time your Papi saw you, but you won't even remember him being away when you get older.
You like to play with your rattle and reach for stuff (especially dogs!) You love to stand up now, no more sitting down for you. Before we know it you will be pulling up on stuff! You like to play on your little gym that has toys dangling on it, and now you don't even mind being on your tummy because you can push yourself up. Your little toesies clinch onto anything they come in contact with, you get that from me! And your fun loving personality reminds me of your Papi everyday.
To go to sleep you still have to be swaddled, and soon that pink blanket won't be big enough to keep you in!! You are on a 4 hour schedule now and it is working perfectly! you sleep when you need to sleep and eat when you need to sleep, how much more perfect can you be?!? The whole family loves you soo much and you are the center of attention every where we go. Your hair seems to get everyones attention, there is just so much of it!! The last 4 months have just been going by really fast and I am looking forward to slowing everything down and settling into our beautiful house, where your childhood will really take place!

Nora I love you so much, I never thought I could love someone this much after only 4 months.. your just amazing.