Tuesday, August 31, 2010

bettering myself..

grr, so i am a little depressed with the way I look right now.
I am officially on a strict routine now. Washing my face and moisturizing twice a day.
Flossing and using my whitening toothpaste twice a day.
whitening my teeth like 3 times a week.
running for 20 min or so EVERY DAY!
doing my little 6 min shake weight workout everyday.
and doing an ass workout twice a day.
I would like to add in an ab workout also, but that's pushing it!
I am on Visalus twice a day, taking the shakes and vitamins and all the other stuff!
ahhhhh I wanna be skinny and pretty so bad! I was looking through old facebook pictures and i was very envious of myself like 2 years ago. I used to get up and get ready for something everyday, and now i just hang around the house, and no one ever sees my ugly ass.
If I could do all of the above, and get rid of my stretch marks before christmas, I will be a very happy person!
I've been doing visalus very strictly for 3 days, and semi strictly for over a week.
I am currently 2 pounds down. I want to loose 18 more. we will see how this goes!

Monday, August 30, 2010

back in georgia.. for good.

im back in ga. and i am not posting via my droid! starting on my long list of septmber tasks, as my new planner calls them! sending out 1st birthday invites are first. then so on and so on.
oh and my dredies are well on their way! -->

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