Tuesday, January 31, 2012

this is hard

this is hard. i have a sick child. allergies and asthma aint no joke. oxygen levels at 89. slowly rising with each breathing treatment. its been 4 days since she got her nebulizer. they want us to decorate this machine with stickers to make it"more of her own". vomit. plus the stickers they gave us are lame. my daughter deserves better than that.
so asthma.
a nebulizer
little dinosaur mask to make it seem cuter.
albuterol- a class of medications called bronchodilators
some other prescription to be inhaled through her nebulizer
and amoxacilin for a potential ear infection.

hell. might as well put her in a bubble.

she coughs all night. hates taking her medicine.

i have no money. my car is wrecked. we go to the doctor EVERYDAY to check her oxygen level.
pharmacy just called. they don't have her medication. fantastic.


  1. :( Hope your little sunshine gets better. And I pray your situation improves. You're a strong woman - this too will pass.

  2. Just saw the post.... She is doing so much better so that is great! She is a trooper!!!
