Tuesday, October 27, 2009

3 weeks old!

So we have made it to 3 weeks and everything is going good! Up till now everyone has just been enjoying Nora Joy being here finally.. but now comes the harder stuff, making sure she gets on a schedule that works both for me and her. I am following the Babywise plan, otherwise know as the PDF way. The last 2 days we have been working really hard on getting her into this routine, and so far so good. Her early morning feeding is at 6:45 am and the feeding are consistent through about 9:45 pm. Leaving one middle of the night feeding normally around 4 am. Eventually we will work the middle of the night feeding out. It is all working out just how the book says!
We are also doing tummy time everyday! We lay her on a blanket on the floor on her tummy and it is supposed to help her strengthen her neck and legs, since she is trying to push herself along the blanket. I will definitely post pictures of that since it is just so darn cute! She has a passie (or bobo as Hector likes to call it) now and absolutely loves it! But she doesn't always want it, which is a good thing so she isn't dependent on it. She sleeps most of the time without it. It makes you feel so much better as a mom to know that your baby is actually getting the right amount of sleep and wake time without wearing you down mentally. It is possible to get 5 hours straight of sleep with a newborn! And then plus the and extra 2 or more hours!
She is currently crying herself to sleep and it is sooo hard not to go in there and hold her, but I know everything I ok with her and she just needs a nap. I cant ell she is getting more and more tired from crying. I have been a busy beaver today, since it is my first day home alone with Nora while Hector is at work. So I am finally doing all the stuff around the house that needs to be done. Errg that horrendous front coat closet!!! That is my project for the day, along with getting all Nora's insurance stuff done and the utilities for the new house. Hector is going to rugby tonight so no need to cook dinner. I also have to make my 4 week check up Ok now I'll get on all that stuff. I have a checklist for the week. Whew, Nora just stopped crying, I knew she would eventually fall asleep!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Nora Joy Tirado, October 5, 2009

whew!! So I have had Nora Joy now. I went in on Sunday morning and got checked into the hospital to be induced, once in robe and in bed, the doctor tells me that it was a mistake for them to ever schedule me an induction on a Sunday morning. So he tells me to get up and walk around for a few hours and try to soften my cervix, ummmm HELLO 41 weeks and 2 days didn't do the trick, so what makes him think a few hours more is gonna do anything? Since he is the doctor, I did what he said (very reluctantly). I got to hang out with Penny Callie, Jillian, Megan, Mom, and Hector the whole time until 11 am. And that is when I had my last meal, Zaxby's, who could ask for anything better!! So then I get back into bed and get what they call a cervix softener... 8 and a half hours later, my water breaks!!!!!!! After that I pretty much started to go into labor naturally, My contractions were getting pretty strong so I got the IV meds and they made me feel crazy loopy, they took a little edge off of the contractions, so I could at least stand them. At that point I was thinking hmm maybe I wont need and epidural, but... one hour later when the pain meds ran out, they informed me I couldn't have any more for another 3 hours! Yikes. So I went a little while without anything and Hector was so great. Not one time did he just lay down and not worry about me. He was constantly rubbing my legs or my back and just talking to me trying to keep my mind off the contractions. So finally I mention that I want the epidural, and Hector is kinda hesitant due tot he fact that my whole pregnancy I said I was gonna try not to get one, but then he realized how much pain I was in and how my contractions have became constant pain instead of like bursts of pain. So I got the epidural and my mom AND Hector had to go out of the room, so I was in there with just the anesthesiologist and my nurse. WOW!! That man must be like God in the hospital cause he took all my pain away!! My legs were so numb I kept thinking they were falling off the bed or something. After that I was just sitting up having conversation and my contractions on the monitor were crazy high and I couldn't even feel them!!! So I got the epidural at 1 am, and after that we stayed up for a while but Hector and I eventually fell asleep. Every 2 hours the nurse would come in and check my dilation to see how far along I was. At about 8 30 am she wakes me up and says that I am 10 cm dilated!!!! And the pushing begins!! Jillian, Mom, and Hector were in the room with me during the actual process of pushing. They had my legs up on these stirrups and I was sitting pretty much all the way up and That really helped with the whole process. Every time I pushed they would bring my legs real far back like to my chest, That was Hector and the nurse's job. Jillian and Hector watched the whole thing in live detail!! After an hour of pushing I finally had my baby girl at 9 23 am, October 5th, 2009!!!!! 8 lbs 3 ozs and 21 inches long, with a full head of black hair!!!!! She looked just like me when she came out, except with some huuuuggge lips!! One of the first thing Hector said was, "I have a white baby!?!" She was (is) sooo beautiful! I got to hold her as soon as she cam out right after Hector cut the cord. And then they cleaned her up (in the same room) and I got to nurse her right there! It was amazing! She latched on perfectly, but then they had to take her away for her tests and stuff, but good thing Hector got to go with her so there was no baby switching non-sense!!! Everyone came to visit that day (which was a bad idea considering I was so tired) and I was up walking around and stuff it was pretty great, my hips were the only thing that were sore on me from the position that I was pushing from. We spent 2 nights in the hospital with Nora Joy and everything was great. She had a mild case of Jaundice but all is well now. SO everything went good and we have a heathy, happy baby, I will write more later but I figured I would cover the birth and hospital stay first. (Nora Joy is now 2 weeks old and still perfect as can be!)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ramble ramble...

I finally know what time on sunday that i will be induced, its crazy how hard that was to figure out. Cape Fear Birth and Women's Care is horrible, don't even consider it for you prenatal care. Being pregnant is supposed to be one of the happiest times in your life, yet it was my most stressful, and I didn't even have to work the whole time! My doctor's office drove me crazy from the beginning to end. Never did I feel like I was being well taken care of. So once I have her (Nora Joy) I really need to concentrate on getting back into shape, I don't feel like my self at all! So running everyday and hitting the weights! I want my volleyball body back, and to do that, I really have to train like a volleyball player. Wow... just look at my legs in these pics;

(Doing the "stanky leg")

Not really the best pics of me, but it shows how in shape I was. And I was a vegetarian, so I will probably go back to that also, but slowly, not just jump into it all at once. And I'm sure Nora Joy will be keeping me plenty busy, hopefully I won't even be thinking about food. If only I could get back into shape and lose these nasty stretch marks!! Definitely not something I will be posting pics of.
So only 3 more days till my little bundle of joy will be here! It's going to be nice to be in Georgia for the first month, I will have plenty of visitors! And we are closing on the new house while I'm there also! Oh so exciting. New baby and new house, what else could you ask for?! Oh I know, new furniture... lol. I want some soo bad because our apartment furniture is pretty bad, and it is definitely not enough to fill up a whole house. I guess I'll just have to buy a little bit by little bit to get all the specific things that I want. Anthropologie has the best furniture ever! Well I gotta go to sleep now even though rambling on about everything is pretty fun, I have to clean the apartment tomorrow before my fam gets here and more importantly before Nora Joy gets here! Oh and here's a pic of the necklace that I made Hector! I found that awesome glass pendant and he really likes it.